No one letter does more to boost further a person's confidence than does the letter of appreciation. Sad to note, only a handful of people write such letters, and too many who consider them unnecessary. But who does not enjoy receiving appreciation? A supervisor who compliments his men occasionally for a job well done is more likely to achieve greater results in the future than the supervisor who continually drives but never praises.
Most people are quick to detect flattery. Letters of appreciation should, therefore, be written from the heart - sincere, and genuine. A small note of appreciation - perhaps for a favor granted, a service rendered, assistance given, or a job well done, goes a long way in building up friendships and goodwill.
Let me share you a small note of appreciation I wrote to my daughter who ended the school year 2010 at the top of her class.
Congratulations for making it (again!) at the top of your class this school year!
Congratulations for making it (again!) at the top of your class this school year!
Mama, your sister Mary Angeline, and I are very, very proud of you. What more can I say . . . My only regret is that I was not able to attend your school's Recognition Day to personally place the medal around your neck as I had work that day and could not possibly excuse myself from the office on a short notice. But, nevertheless, Mama was telling me how proud she was, (and Angeline, too), as she, head held up high, wrapped the Medal of Academic Excellence around your neck while your teachers, classmates, and everyone in attendance heartily clapped their hands in applause to YOU!
Your achievement is the result of the many sleepless nights studying and preparing for the next day's lessons. Remember, preparation is the key to success and victory. But do not push yourself too hard. Your patience, industry, the love for learning, and much prayers, too, will keep you on top. In success, the more you should humble yourself; keeping your feet solidly on the ground, and, God, in His graciousness, will bless and keep you.
Keep it up, Jamie! Make us all the more proud of you.
With much love and pride,
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