Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Use of Postscripts, Additional Sheets and Envelopes


Personally, I do not encourage postscripts in letters because, in my opinion, the body of the letter should cover it all. However, should you find it necessary to add last-minute items of interest or importance to your letter, you may, of course, use a postscript. A postscript is usually placed two spaces below the last line of the letter, preceded by the letters, "P.S.".

Additional sheets

Most well-written letters will be confined to only one sheet, but, course, there are certain communications that require additional sheets. In such instances, the paper should be of the same quality and size as the first sheet. The side margins of the second and subsequent pages should also be the same as those of the first page.

In business letters, the name of the company should be reflected in the last page. It should be typed in bold letters,  and placed two spaces below the complimentary close.

Begin the first line of the second and subsequent pages about an inch from the top of the paper. It should contain the name of the addressee, the number of the page, and the date. It may be written in one of several ways, but I prefer the style in full block format given below:

Mr. Theo Ricco
January 15, 2011
Page 2

Folding the letter

The folding of a letter depends on the size of the stationery and the style of the envelope used. However, the letter should be folded in a way that it will be pleasant in appearance. can be readily prepared for mailing , and may be conveniently unfolded by the recipient.

The envelope address

The envelope address should contain the names of the sender and the addressee, and their respective addresses. Additional directions, such as "Personal", "Attention:", "General Delivery", "Please Forward", and "Human Resources Department", "Care of" may be added when necessary.  Such expression as "Via Air Mail" may be stamped or written on the envelope.

The style of the outside address should agree with the style used in the inside address for consistency. The blocked style is preferred. The line spacing, however, need not agree. Wherever it is possible, double spacing is preferred.

When the first line of the outside address is a company name, write it exactly as it appears on the letterhead of the company. It is not advisable to abbreviate such words as, street, avenue, building, etc. The complete return address of the sender should always appear in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope. It should be blocked, and it should be single spaced, regardless of the arrangement of the main address.

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